Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

100th post - sex and studying

This is my 100th post. Thank you everyone who is out there reading these posts. You have really helped me develop and expand this blog. I would love any feed back and comments you want to give. Please do not hesitate to contact me. Please also check out the facebook page, and I will leave you with this funny thing about sex and studying...

10 Reasons studying is better than sex

10. You can usually find someone to do it with.

9. If you get tired, you can stop, save your place, and pick up where
you left off.

8. You can finish early without feelings of guilt or shame.

7. When you open a book, you don’t have to worry about who else has
opened it.

6. A little coffee and you can do it all night.

5. If you don’t finish a chapter, you won’t gain a reputation as a
“book teaser”.

4. You can do it, eat and watch TV all at the same time.

3. You don’t get embarassed if your parents interrupt you in the middle.

2. You don’t have to put your beer down to do it

1. If you aren’t sure what you’re doing, you can always ask your
roommate for help!

Today's the day - love

Love isn't the same for everyone

Brotips - Check 'em out again...

Look out for more brotips coming soon ;)


Check out more at this website:

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Odd Animal Love

Bromance with "I love you man"

First bromance defined...

Perfect examples of bromance from the movie "I Love You Man"

Check out the movie if you haven't seen it, and go out and make a bromance. :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Marry you by Glee ad Bruno Mars

I do not own the material in this movie, but  hope you enjoy the performance of Bruno Mars' Marry You by the cast of Glee. 

Girls Deserve Better


Check out

More from where this came from

Faith and Love

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Now and Then... Love Lasts

Girlfriend 1.0 to Wife 1.0
Request for Technical Support, Incident #99-02-14-01
Last year I upgraded Girlfriend 1.0 to Wife 1.0, and I can find no documentation on several features.
For example, Wife 1.0 installs itself into all other programs and launches during system initialization where it monitors all other system activity.
Applications such as RunAnywhere 10.3 and StayOut 2.5 cause freezes.
Also, the new program has spawned a couple of unexpected child processes that have taken up a lot of space and resources.
I was considering going back to Girlfriend 1.0 but there does not seem to be a "revert to previous state" feature.
Can you help me?
Registered User #10-1-13-5-19

Response to User #10-1-13-5-19, Incident #99-02-14-01
We receive many inquiries to this perceived problem.  However it is almost always the result of a common error.
Many men upgrade from Girlfriend 1.0 to Wife 1.0 with the idea that Wife 1.0 is merely a Utilities & Entertainment program.
This is a serious misconception.
Although Wife 1.0 includes many Utilities and Entertainment functions, Wife 1.0 is actually an entire Operating System.  It has been designed to run everything.
Warning!  Do not try to: un-install, delete, or purge the program from the system once installed. Trying to un-install Wife 1.0 can be disastrous, resulting in the loss of valuable system resources.
You can not go back to Girlfriend 1.0.  Wife 1.0 is not designed to do this.
Many have tried "workarounds".  These only complicate the situation.
For example, some have tried to install Girlfriend 2.0 or Wife 2.0 and found the problems persist.
Others, in an ill conceived attempt, have tried to run Girlfriend 2.0 in the background while Wife 1.0 is running.  This almost always results in serious system conflicts, possibly leading to a non-recoverable system crash.
We recommend you keep Wife 1.0 and adjust a few user input parameters.
I might also suggest you read the entire section regarding General Protection Faults (GPFs).  Should a GPF occur, the best course of action will be to push the Apologize Button then Reset Button as soon as lock-up occurs.
The system will run smooth as long as you provide needed maintenance time.
To free up CPU time and improve performance be certain that you have terminated your several search and scan routines.
Because each copy of Wife 1.0 is a uniquely configured system, no single manual will cover all enabled features.
New users should first consult with those who have been running Wife 1.0 for many years before installing a copy yourself.  You should consider joining one of our established local users group to discuss your specific configuration.
Remember, the installation of Wife 1.0 can allow maximum system potential, particularly when used with supplementary applications.  For example, killer apps Contentment 2.5 and Reliability 6.12a have been known to max out when run with TLC 2 and Communicator 5.0.
There are no plans for upgrades; Wife 1.0 was designed to work for a lifetime.
End of response

Where is the Love? -Black Eyed Peas

I am not the owner of any of the material in this video. Please enjoy, but know I am not the owner, just facilitator. 


1. Do NOT talk to your man the way you talk to other women
The styles women communicate in are far different than most mens'.
838752357SECRET #1: Don't approach men for conversation when they are not in an approach mode. Give them time and opportunity to be able to listen to you. They want to be there for you and give you what you need, but you have to understand that they need to have distractions removed, time to focus on the conversation, and a clear and defined understanding of what you want from them.
2. Men have been programmed for centuries to take care of the family.
When you take any complaint to him, even if you are only crying because your hair came out green instead of blonde, he unconsciously thinks it is his fault. If a man feels he is not taking good care of you, (and complaints are translated into thinking you are not happy with him,) he experiences tremendous physiological discomfort. He hears your problem as HIS failure. Withdrawal is his protection in these situations.
SECRET #2: Don't misinterpret the silent male or underestimate how much you mean to him. He is highly vulnerable to you.
3. Men do not heal from emotional wounds as well as women do.
Who cares more for their lover, men or women? If you answered men do, you would be right. In general, after divorce, men re-marry sooner than women do, don't live as long as their ex-wife does, and their suicide levels go up more. When a man sees silence in the relationship, he thinks everything is fine. However, if a woman is not talking, she is probably planning to leave. Only 50% of men in a troubled relationship know there is a problem. The rest say they never saw the breakup coming.
SECRET #3: You give meaning to your guy's life. You matter far more to him than either of you realize. Be careful and kind with your words.
4. Men relate to other people better by doing activities with them.
Women get a chemical hit from talking. Men do not experience this rush of feeling good when they are talking to someone. They often feel that words get in the way of experiencing the moment. Men get a rush of good feelings when they are taking action or are engaged in physical activity. They also love to share activities with their favorite woman.
SECRET #4: Find at least one activity that you both have a passion for and do it together. This strengthens your bond and gives him a sense of success.
5. Men love routine.
Men take comfort in routine. To change schedules, plans, or even homes, is upsetting for him. He wants his time to be free from turmoil so he can hyper focus and concentrate on taking care of his work, and ultimately, the family.
SECRET #5: Build some loving routines together. You might think that you are both just wordlessly watching TV, while he might see that activity as part of your togetherness. Predictable patterns in your relationship keep him grounded.
The above five secrets can change the level of happiness in your relationship. Add kindness and nurturing, and if you have chosen a good guy, you will have a new best friend. This is how you talk to a man.